Hey there!

It's Felicity Ng.

I am an analytical UX designer with over three years of experience working on fast paced, cross-disciplinary teams. I have a proven track record of partnering with clients to deliver high-value experiences. My expertise lies in end-to-end product design, where I excel in prototyping, establishing design systems, and optimizing complex user flows.

How it came to be

It all started when I was a kid, bored at my parents’ bodega. I asked my mom to draw me a princess and in awe, I watched as her pencil brought about the image of a traditional Chinese princess wearing a phoenix headdress. She kinda looked like my mom. From then on, I had a fascination with bringing to life my most whimsical and fantastic ideas to life. I loved the thought of being able to give people a glimpse into how I saw the world.

When I majored in computer science in college, I felt that I didn’t have the same desire for software engineering that my peers did. While those around me were focused on creating cool technology for technology's sake, I was more interested in the humans behind it. How would they take to this new technology? How can I make this experience better for them?

And that's how I stumbled into UX/UI design. Even as a developer, I was always drawn to working on the frontend. Now you’re telling me there’s a whole career space dedicated to crafting great experiences for my users? My heart will always love being a developer but I have more say and impact on a product as a designer. In an ideal world, I will be able to do both.

Design skills

Creative strategy
Design systems
Responsive web design
Usability testing
User experience auditing
User journeys
UX Design